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Hello, netter from bighorn.accessnv.com

Welcome to CND WWW Server



China News Digest (CND) is a voluntary non-profit organization aiming at providing news and other information services to readers who are concerned primarily about China-related affairs. All CND services are free of charge, and we rely on CND Volunteers to make this possible.

CND is independent of any other organizations and it strives to be impartial on issues and news it reports.

The history of CND began on March 6, 1989.

Current and recent issues of CND publications:

* CND-Global (approximately three issues per week)
* (CND Chinese Magazine, weekly plus irregular supplements)
* in BIG5 codes
* CND-China (CINET-L) (two issues per month)
* CND-US (one or two issues per week)
* CND-Canada (approximately one issue per week)
* CND-Europe/Pacific (approximately one issue per week)

Other CND Publications and Services:

* High-Resolution Scenery Pictures of China from the CND InfoBase
* Collection of Chinese Classics in the CND InfoBase (also in BIG5 codes)
* CND publications back issues and more archived information
* CND technical help or referral:
* CND Gopher Server
* CND ftp servers for readers

Selected Internet Resources:

* China/Chinese home pages

* Academic/educational/informationl resources of general interest

More about CND services:

* Acknowledgement (to be updated). Special thanks to readers who helped out recently.
* Standard Disclaimers
* What's new on this server as of 02:38PM EST, Sunday, April 16, 1995.
* Statistics of access to this WWW server, last updated on 03:30PM EST, Wednesday, April 05, 1995.
* Comments (you can read or post!) about this server and CND in general
All of us at CND wish you good luck in life and work, and we thank you for reading and supporting CND. If you have any suggestions, you can also e-mail us at webmaster@cnd.org. Due to the limited available manpower resources, we regret that we may not be able to respond to reader e-mails. We do appreciate your feedback.

WL, JL: webmaster@cnd.org
Last updated at 10:55AM EST, Monday, April 17, 1995. © 1995 CND International.