(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
The Vena Contracta
The Vena Contracta is the monthly newspaper put out by the Carleton Student Engineering Society. The editor for 1994-95 is
Tamas Bertenyi.
Here are the
statistics of the VENA web pages.
All new issues of the Vena will be released on the
Previous editors have been
- Volume 7, 1994-95: Tamas
- Volume 6, 1993-94: Alex deVries
- Volume 5, 1992-93: Matt Bullock
- Volume 4, 1991-92: Theresa Chung
- Volume 3, 1990-91: John Duck
- Volume 2, 1989-90
- Volume 1, 1988-89: Bob Bowerman
This page is maintained by Alex deVries