310 8th Street #100, Oakland, CA 94607
(510) 763-9999
The Center for Independent Living (CIL) is a national leader in helping disabled people live independently and become productive, fully participating members of society. The staff and board, most of whom are disabled, are strongly committed to supporting others in their efforts towards self-sufficiency.
Since its founding in 1972, CIL has played a pioneering role advocating architectural changes to make the community more accessible to disabled people, instructing in techniques of independent living and offering a "core" of essential services. This comprehensive package of services to people with all disabilities is offered in the belief that it is the most effective way to serve clients who have complex and interconnected needs.
Asian/Latino Outreach Project: Outreach coordinators provide necessary translation services and materials in various languages to counsel disabled members of these communities on what services are available and to assist in their utilization of CIL's services.
Attendant Referral/Personal Assistance Services: Prospective attendants are recruited, interviewed, and referred to disabled and elderly clients who require attendant services. Attendants assist clients in housekeeping and personal care needs so that they can continue to live independently.
Blind Services: CIL provides blind and low vision clients with individual peer counseling, support groups, independent living skills, reader referral and information on aids and equipment. Also, canes and braille paper are sold and some equipment is available for rental or use.
Client Assistance Project (CAP):
CAP is a federal program initiated by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and mandated by the 1986
Amendments. CAP was established by Congress to: advise clients of available services, assist
clients in their relationship with agencies providing services, and protect clients' rights.
Telephone: 1-800-290-1300. FAX: 510-841-1911.
Client Enhancement and Empowerment Project (Client Choice): CIL has been funded by the Department of Education for a five-year project to demonstrate methods to increase client choice in the rehabilitation process for people with disabilities. This project is specifically designed to serve individuals who traditionally have been under-served by the vocational rehabilitation process, including ethnic minorities and people with limited English-language skills who have significant disabilities.
Deaf Services: All CIL services, including peer counseling, sign language interpretation, communications, advocacy, independent living skills, and information and referral services are provided to the deaf and hearing impaired.
Deaf and Blind Project: Provides services to individuals who are both hearing and visually impaired. Services include peer counseling, independent living skills, advocacy and communication assistance.
Elderly Services Partnership (ESP):
CIL is part of this coalition working in the San Antonio District of Oakland. Outreach workers
who speak Cantonese, Mandarin and English help direct isolated elders to the community services
and resources, and connect them with senior peer counselors, senior companions and volunteers.
Telephone (510) 536-4162.
Employment Services: Disabled job seekers receive assistance from the employment services staff in identifying job goals and in gaining interviewing and resume writing skills. Clients are taught job search techniques and receive job referral and follow-up counseling.
Financial Benefits Counseling: Benefits services, such as counseling, education and representation are provided to clients that address issues of finance, medical benefits and the Department of Rehabilitation.
Housing: Disabled and elderly clients are assisted in locating and securing accessible and affordable housing in Berkeley and Oakland. This department builds ramps and performs minor access-related housing modifications for low--income residents of Berkeley at no cost for those who qualify. Consultation on leases, moving, ram construction and the Section 8 Subsidy Program are provided as well. Mentally disabled homeless persons are assisted in finding temporary and permanent housing. Housing services available in Berkeley and Oakland Offices. Transportation is available for clients seeking housing in Oakland.
Independent Living Skills (ILS): Peer counselors provide workshops, support groups, and individual instruction in basic independent living skills/care, pre-vocational counseling and training, and socialization skills. Clients are also advised about home modifications and aids.
Information and Referral: Information about disability issues and referral to other agencies with services to the disabled community are provided to the public and to CIL clients.
Jobs for Homeless Consortium (JFHC):
CIL works in conjunction with Berkeley/Oakland Support Services to provide job counseling and support services for homeless individuals.
Telephone (510) 549-8820.
Legal Clinic: Attorneys from the Alameda County Bar Association meet individual clients by appointment once a month to discuss legal questions regarding discrimination, wills, consumer landlord/tenant contracts, family law, divorce, child custody, criminal, and housing. These attorneys do not take cases.
Parents Empowerment Project: Peer counseling, support groups, and workshops are provided addressing the needs of disabled parents and/or parents with disabled children.
Peer Support Services: Counseling and peer support are provided to assist individuals, couples, families and groups with disability related issues. Clients are offered suppoort to help with various aspects of disabilities as it affects their daily lives.
Youth Services: Support groups, peer and family counseling, and social activities are offered to increase the independent living of youth ages 14-22. A mentor program provides an oppoortunity for disabled youth to learn socialization skills. Youth are also offered job experiences through a youth employment program.
Yahoo's list of Disability related servers.
Disability Resources from Evan Kemp Associates