As the "Factfinder for the Nation" the Census Bureau collects data about the people and economy of the United States and produces a wide variety of statistical data products including printed reports, statistical briefs, and computer files on tape and CD ROM media.
Protecting the privacy of individuals and businesses who respond to our surveys is critically important to us. All data collected is covered by the Privacy Act and Title 13 of the United States Code, which makes any release of covered data a criminal act punishable by Federal law. This type of data is called microdata.
While we are prevented from releasing this microdata, we are permitted to summarize the data across cities, towns, counties, states and other geographic and demographic boundaries. These summary data files are useful for many purposes, from allocating representation in legislative bodies to tracking economic and population trends needed for strategic planning. We perform this mission to gather, quantify and qualify statistics, and we have developed a variety of information products as a result.