Communications Development Incorporated and its affiliate, American Writing Corporation, provide planning, editing, writing, desktop publishing, Internet publishing, and communications management services to clients in the domestic and international policy arenas. With 20 employees and 20 regular consultants, we put together teams to meet the needs of our clients' projects.
On our SparcServer and over our 1.5 mb line, we publish documents on all Internet platforms including World Wide Web, Gopher, FTP, and Infobot. We use our print publishing expertise-and our collection of editors, writers, and designers-to create complete communications hubs for our clients: electronic resource centers and places for people to find and communicate with one other.
For the Benton Foundation's communications policy project, we designed the logo and look for its publications-a series of bulletin, briefings, and working papers. We also designed and produced the conference materials for the project's Public Interest Summit. We also helped them invent their World Wide Web site.
For the Millennium Group, we posted "Communications as Engagement: a Communications Strategy for Revitalization," a report commissioned by the Rockefeller Foundation, on the Internet. The report includes a browsable index of 235 community-building initiatives. This resource listing also includes a form that allow new organizations to add themselves to the list.
For the Rockefeller Foundation, we developed a communications plan for its $55 million program of research and community action on urban poverty. We produced a set of summaries of 750 pieces of research and a collection of poverty briefs for nonprofits to use in their advocacy efforts.
For the World Bank, we manage the Policy Research Dissemination Center and its various publications: Annual Report on Research, Research Abstracts, Policy Research Bulletin, and Policy Research Working Papers (with 1,500 titles). We are also working with the Bank to build a World Wide Web site for disseminating its knowledge of development process over the Internet to its clients in developing countries.
We also work with Arthur Andersen, General Electric, US Department of Energy, Urban Institute, Mathematica Policy Research, Federal Reserve Board, Women's World Banking, American Public Health Association, United Nations Development Program, and the International Center for Economic Growth.
For the United Nations Development Program, we manage the planning, editing, and production of its Human Development Report, supplying color-separated negatives to Oxford University Press. We are working with the UNDP and Oxford to put the 1990-94 reports onto CD-ROM.