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Guide to Christian Literature on the Internet

Pointing the Way
A Guide to Christian Literature on the Internet

June 30, 1994
This hypertext document contains pointers to internet accessible literature related to Classical Christianity. Literature referenced is viewable online (ie. in ascii format). The latest version of this document is available by anonymous file transfer from iclnet93.iclnet.org as pub/resources/christian-books.html. Additional resources or corrections should be directed to the NJB Team (Gary Bogart, Linda Kreitz and John Brubaker) at njb@iclnet93.iclnet.org with LIT in the subject line.


1. Bibles (Various on-line versions)

2. Books (by Title)

3. Articles (by Title)

4. Sermons

5. Bible Studies/Devotionals

6. Creeds/Confessions

7. Newsletters/Periodicals

8. Miscellaneous Texts