(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
The Biomedical Visualization Laboratory designs software solutions to
biomedical problems, develops simulations of biological systems, develops
visual biological databases, and educational multimedia applications for
education and forensic communication. The educational programs in Biomedical
Visualization are specialized tracks leading to MS/PhD degrees in Electrical
Engineeering and Computer Science (a collaboration with the
Electronic Visualization Laboratory)
or to MS/PhD degrees with Bioengineering.
The Mission of the Laboratory is to develop visualization tools and algorithms
for the "Grand Challenge" areas in biomedical applications:
The Biomedical Visualization Laboratory is at the nexus of computer science and
information technology with the biological sciences and communication arts. Application
of the technology in this environment allows information to be processed and interacted
with in historially unprecentented ways. The result will be the emergence of the
entirely new discipline of Biomedical Image Science.
If you like to learn more, please contact:
Lewis L. Sadler Phone: 1-312-996-7337
Biomedical Visualization Laboratory Fax : 1-312-996-8342
1919 W. Taylor M/C 527
Chicago, IL 60612 Email: