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Bucknell Home Page
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Bucknell University
Home Page

Welcome to the Bucknell University World Wide Web Server! The information on this server is subject to change. While we try to make the contents as accurate as possible, you should use it at your own risk.

Campus Information
Everything from University Calendar information and Sports Schedules to the University's On-Line Directory to a listing of current Student Home Pages can be found on this page.

Departmental Home Pages
Access to each department on campus which currently maintains a home page. This is also the place to find many of the individual faculty and staff home pages.

On-Line versions of some the the university's publications are accessed here, as well as the campus radio station and several reports and studies.

Internet Information Services
Various web pages from around the world which contain information or provide access to resources on the global network. This is the gateway to the world of the Web.

Last modified --> 12 April 1995

Please direct all questions and comments to webmaster@bucknell.edu.