While ARPA intends to keep this listing current, there may be omissions or errors; this list in no way replaces the official notifications which have appeared in the Commerce Business Daily (CBD). The CBD notice takes precedence in any disagreement between the CBD notice and the following information.
BAA #: 95-30
CBD Reference: May 31, 1995*
ARPA Offices: MSTO and SISTO
Email Address: baa95-30@arpa.mil
Fax Number: (703) 696-2204 (Attention BAA 95-30)
Title: Transtech
Technical Areas Cited in BAA: Transweb; Applications; Logistics
Planning; Critical Transport Technologies
ABSTRACT DUE DATE: Friday, June 30, 1995
PROPOSAL DUE DATE: Monday, September 11, 1995
NOTE: Proposer Information Packet and FAQ Available. See Announcement
for Instructions.
*This BAA is open for 1 year after its appearance in the CBD.
BAA #: 95-31
CBD Reference: May 25, 1995
Email Address: baa9531@arpa.mil
Fax Number: (703) 522-2668
Title: Intelligent Metacomputing Center
Research Areas Cited in BAA: (1) innovative, reliable, and robust
distributed computing services; (2) innovative application of emerging
technologies in digital libraries and electronic commerce as applied
to complex document handling within Federal agencies
PROPSAL DUE DATE: 4:00 pm, EDT, Thursday, July 13, 1995
NOTE: A Proposer Information
Pamphlet is available for this BAA.
PA#: 95-04
CBD Reference: May
12, 1995
ARPA Office: TRP
Email Address: pa95-04@arpa.mil
Fax Number: 1-800-DUAL-USE
Title: Technology Reinvestment Project
Dual Use Technology Focus Areas: Affordable Advanced Controls
Technologies; Affordable Polymer Matrix Composites For Airframe
Structures; Biological Sensors and Multi-Organ Diagnostic Screening;
Digital Wireless Communications and Networking Systems; Operations
Other than War/Law Enforcement; Small Precision Optics Manufacturing
Technology; Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Applications;
PROPOSAL DUE DATE: June 29, 1995
Proposer Information
BAA #: 95-26
CBD Reference: April 10,
Fax Number: (703) 351-8616 (Addressed to: ARPA/ESTO, BAA 95-26)
Email Address: BAA95-26@arpa.mil
Title: Electronic Packaging and Interconnects (EP&I)
ABSTRACT Deadline Date: 4:00 pm, Friday, May 19, 1995
PROPOSAL Deadline Date: 4:00 pm, Friday, May 26, 1995
Note: Proposer Information Packet available. See Announcement
for Instructions.
BAA #: 95-25
CBD Reference: March
23, 1995
Fax Number: (703) 522-6367 (Addressed to: ARPA/SSTO, BAA 95-25)
Email Address: BAA95-25@arpa.mil
Title: Logistics Research and Development (LOG R&D)
Technical Areas Cited in BAA: Wide Area Information Exchange;
Intelligent Information Access; Enabling Technology for Information
Enterprises; Integration of Intelligent Information Systems
ABSTRACT Deadline Date: 4:00 pm, Friday, April 21, 1995
PROPOSAL Deadline Date: 4:00 pm, Friday, June 2, 1995 (for
initial contract awards)
Note: Proposer Information Packet available. See Announcement
for Instructions.
BAA #: 95-22
CBD Reference: March 3,
ARPA Office: MTO
Fax Number: (703) 696-2201
Title: Modules For Lithography Systems For Design Rules of 0.18
Micrometers and Smaller
Technical Areas Cited in BAA: 1) a wafer stage suitable for
integration with both optical and x-ray sources, 2) x-ray point
Deadline Date for FY95 Funds: March 31, 1995
NOTE: BAA will remain open until September 30, 1996
BAA #: 94-14
CBD Reference: January 27,
Fax Number: (703) 696-2201
Title: Advanced Biomedical Technology
Technical Areas Cited in BAA: 1) Remote Advanced Diagnostics, 2)
Remote Therapeutic Intervention, 3) Medical Simulation.
ABSTRACT deadline date: 4:00 pm, EST, Monday, February 28, 1994
PROPOSAL deadline date (Initial Review): 4:00 pm. EST, Thursday,
March 31, 1994
PROPOSAL deadline date (Final Review): 4:00 pm. EST, Friday, January
31, 1995
PROPOSAL deadline date (Revised January 10, 1995): 4:00 pm. EST,
Saturday, January 27, 1996
FOR YOUR INFORMATION, THE FOLLOWING SOLICITATIONS HAVE CLOSED WITHIN THE PAST SIX MONTHS. BAA #: 95-21 CBD Reference: March 1, 1995 ARPA Office: CSTO Email Address: baa9521@arpa.mil Title: Research In High Performance Computing and Applications Software Close Date: 4:00 pm, EDT, Wednesday, May 24, 1995 BAA #: 94-31A CBD Reference: March 23, 1995 ARPA Office: SSTO, ESTO Email Address: BAA94-31A@arpa.mil Title: Agile Manufacturing Pilot Programs Close Date: 4:00 pm, Tuesday, May 23, 1995 BAA #: 95-19 CBD Reference: February 23, 1995 ARPA Office: CSTO Email Address: baa9519@arpa.mil Title: Research Topics in Embedded and Real-Time Applications of High Performance Scalable Computing Close Date: 4:00 pm, EDT, Friday, May 12, 1995 BAA #: 95-18 CBD Reference: February 20, 1995 ARPA Office: CSTO Email Address: baa9518@arpa.mil Title: Scalable Systems and Software Close Date: 4:00 pm, EDT, Friday, May 5, 1995 SN #: 95-06 CBD Reference: March 31, 1995 ARPA Offices: MSTO, SSTO Email Address: transtech@nsnet.com Title: TransTech Deadline Date for Comments Submission: May 1, 1995 BAA #: 95-16 CBD Reference: January 20, 1995 ARPA Office: CSTO Email Address: baa9516@arpa.mil Title: Global Mobile Information Systems (GloMo) Close Date: Friday, April 28, 1995 BAA #: 95-23 CBD Reference: March 3, 1995 ARPA OFFICE: SSTO Email Address: BAA95-23@arpa.mil Title: Electronic Commerce Resource Centers (ECRC) Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Electronic Commerce Pilot Programs (SME EC Pilots) Close Date: 4:00 pm, Thursday, April 20, 1995 BAA #: 95-15 CBD Reference: January 19, 1995 ARPA Office: CSTO Email Address: baa9515@arpa.mil Title: Information System Security Close Date: 4:00 pm, Monday, April 17, 1995 PA #: 95-04 CBD Reference: December 7, 1994 ARPA Office: TRP Title: Technology Reinvestment project (TRP) NOTE: This is a PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT - NOT a SOLICITATION for PROPOSALS BAA #: 95-05 CBD Reference: December 7, 1994 ARPA Office: SSTO Email Address: BAA95-05@arpa.mil Title: Affordable Multi-Missile Manufacturing (AM3) Program Solicitation Close Date: 4:00 pm, Thursday, February 9, 1995 BAA #: 95-06 CBD Reference: November 7, 1994 ARPA Office: ESTO Email Address: BAA95-06@arpa.mil Title: Microwave and Analog Front End Technology (MAFET) Close Date: 4:00 pm, Friday, February 3, 1995 SA #: 95-12 CBD Reference: December 9, 1994 ARPA Office: SSTO Email Address: sa9512@arpa.mil Title: Advanced Education & Training Technologies Consortium Close Date: 4:00 pm, Tuesday, January 10, 1995 BAA #: 95-10 CBD Reference: November 25, 1994 ARPA Office: SSTO Email Address: BAA95-10@arpa.mil Title: Computer Aided Education and Training Initiative Close Date: 4:00 pm, EST, Monday, January 9, 1995 BAA #: 95-01 CBD Reference: October 3, 1994 ARPA Office: ESTO Email Address: BAA95-01@arpa.mil Title: Tactical Information Assistants Close Date: 4:00 pm, EST, Friday, December 2, 1994 BAA #: 94-07 CBD Reference: August 24, 1994 ARPA Office: CSTO Email Address: baa9407@arpa.mil Title: Information Infrastructure Services and Bitways Close Date: 4:00 pm, EST, Friday, December 2, 1994
Return to CSTO Home PageLast updated: 25 May 1995. Comments to: Webmaster@csto.arpa.mil