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Help Using EagleInfo

About The American University

The American University
This item contains information about the university, the AU phone book, and course descriptions and scheduling information.
Campus Activities
This item contains information about activities and events on campus, student social organizations, and other important information relevant to the student. It also contains The Eagle and a virtual tour of the campus.
Academic Departments
This item contains information on the University's schools and academic departments of the university as well as related programs and academic institutes.
The Library
AULIS, Bender Library's Gopher contains information such as library hours and services. It also provides many reference materials, magazines, books, and links to other libraries around the world!
Other Departments and Campus Services
This item contains information from the administrative departments and campus services, including the AU CampusStore.

Computer Resources and Assistance

About the University Computing Center
Provides information on computer labs and computing services.
Computer Assistance
Provides a direct link to information on the Computer Hotline, documentation of university-supported applications and training information.
Tools and resources
Provides searching tools and subject-oriented directories to help you nagivate on the Internet. It also contains information for better understanding Internet applications.

About Washington D.C. & Area

Contains valuable information on Washington D.C. and the surrounding area from government information to things to do.

About the World

You can explore the globe by browsing for information by subject and locating information at other universities' and organizations' information systems.

EagleInfo is currently being developed and refined, thus you may see changes in its structure and content of information. You too can be a part of thisdevelopment process. If you are an official AU department, group or social organization, you can add your information to EagleInfo.


Carol McGee - EagleInfo Administrator

If you have questions on either EagleInfo, Mosaic, Gopher, or the World Wide Web, please contact the EagleInfo Administrator via email at einfo@american.edu or via telephone at (202)885-2270.