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The Breeder's Registry

...for Marine Aquarium Cultured Fishes and Invertebrates

What is the Breeder's Registry?


Share information with people of similar marine species rearing interests around the world. With shared information, more success will be gained in spawning, rearing, and propagating marine species.

Receive the quarterly Breeder's Registry newsletter.

Receive Breeder's Registry Info-forms for recording your spawning, rearing, and propagating techniques and observations.

As a supporting member of the Breeder's Registry you are entitled to free print outs of current information from the database for up to 4 species per year.


Send your name, address, and phone number, along with a check or money order made payable to "Aquagenesis." The annual membership fee is $12 in the USA and $15 outside the USA. Please note on the check "Breeder's Registry annual membership" and mail to:
The Breeder's Registry
P.O. Box 255373
Sacramento, CA 95865-5373

This space donated by Active Window Productions. Information is reproduced from Breeder's Registry materials with permission.
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