(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
College Preparatory Curriculum
The Ohio State University
College Preparatory Curriculum
Conditional Admission to The Ohio State
The Ohio State University has adopted a college
preparatory policy derived from recommendations made
in the Report of the Advisory Commission on
Articulation between Secondary Education and Ohio
Colleges. This policy reflects Ohio State's concern that
students obtain the high school academic background
needed to prepare them properly for success in their
college level work. All undergraduate applicants to the
university who graduated from high school on or after
April 1, 1984 are subject to these requirements. The
requirements apply to students who have never attended
another college or university as well as to transfer
students who have less than 45 transferable credit
hours (includes Ohio State course equivalents, "Spl,"
"Gen," "Tech," and provisional credit, but does not
include course work designated as deferred). The
minimum requirements are as follow:
- 4 units of English with an emphasis on writing;
- 3 units of mathematics, including Algebra I and II, and
- 2 units of science with significant laboratory
- 2 units of social sciences; 2 units of the same foreign
- 1 unit of visual and performing arts; and
- 1 additional unit from any of the above subject areas
Please note: An additional unit in mathematics, natural
sciences, social sciences, and foreign language is
Notification to Transfer Student Applicants
A transfer student applicant who is admissible will be
admitted to the university. However, the admission of a
transfer student who has less than 45 transferable
credit hours and has not completed the high school units
listed above will be subject to certain conditions.
Admission conditions will be stated in the Notice of
Admission and listed on the Ohio State Transfer Credit
Evaluation. The Ohio State Transfer Credit Evaluation
also indicates the status of admission conditions based
on courses taken at the previous post-secondary
institution(s) prior to enrollment at Ohio State.
It is necessary to meet with an academic advisor prior
to scheduling first quarter courses to discuss the
status of admission conditions and the procedures to
follow to fulfill remaining conditions. Students who
attend a pre-enrollment orientation program will
discuss fulfillment of admission conditions and
schedule first quarter courses with an academic
adviser at that time.
In general, students tound deficient in a subject area
must satisfactorily complete one five-hour class in
that area to satisfy each high school unit deficiency.
The total quarter hours of admission conditions are
added to the number of hours required for graduation
(for example, a student with 10 quarter hours of
admission conditions in a degree program that requires
196 quarter hours for graduation will be required to
complete at least 206 quarter hours before graduation).
Fulfillment of Admission Conditions
Conditions mav be fulfilled by courses completed at
another college or university prior to enrollment at
Ohio State and will be listed on the Ohio State Transfer
Credit Evaluation. (Note: Courses completed with a
grade of "D" can be used to fulfill conditions).
Remaining admission conditions will be noted in the
fulfillment column.
Conditions not fulfilled by courses completed at
another college or university are fulfilled by placement
testing or completion of courses during the first thirty
(30) hours of enrollment at Ohio State. Condition
fulfillment in the six academic areas is as follows:
placement level 4 (English 110) as a
result of the English placement test; or satisfactory
completion of English 110W (for placement level 5 ); or
satisfactory completion of the English sequence
052/053 (for placement level 6).
placement into Math Code L, M,
N, or R on the math placement test; or students placing
at Math Code S on the math placement test must
satisfactorily complete Math 075 or 104; or students
placing at Math Code T on the math placement test must
satisfactorily complete Math 050 and either Math 075
or 104.
Science, social science, and visual and performing
the individual colleges and schools with the
university will maintain lists of courses that fulfill
conditions. These courses will apply to all students
regardless of the school or college in which they pursue
their degree. Deficiencies in these areas may be
fulfilled by satisfactory completion of the appropriate
courses offered at this university or another
institution. The university's Credit by Examination
Program may be used to meet a deficiency.
Examinations that are passed fulfill conditions for the
specific areas tested. Students who feel that they have
met the intentions of the visual and performing arts
requirement through private study or extra curricular
activities and are prepared to demonstrate the same,
either through a portfolio or a performance (dance,
music, and/ or theatre ) should contact the Departments
of Art, Dance, or Theatre or the School of Music.
Additional unit from any of the above categories-
the student must complete one additional unit
chosen from any of the above areas by using the
appropriate method described above for fulfillment of
Students who have earned 30 hours of credit and who
still have conditions unsatisfied shall be placed on
Special Action Probation.
A grade of "D" or better is necessary to constitute
satisfactory completion of a course for fulfilling
conditions. A course may not be taken for pass/non-
pass credit. Those courses that the student must take
to fulfill condition swill appear on the student's
transcript and cannot be used to fulfill the General
Education Curriculum Requirements.
Revised October 1993