>Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1993 22:15:15 EST >From: Dave Banisar>Subject: Obtaining Whitehouse E-Publications
Table Of Contents
You can obtain copies of all the press releases from a wide variety of on-line services or discussion groups devoted to either national politics in general or President Clinton in particular. These are listed in sections I and II.
Section Ic explains how you can sign up to receive press releases directly from the experimental MIT system by using an automated email server. The present system was not designed to handle high levels of message traffic. A more powerful system will become available in due course, and in the meantime, it would be appreciated if you used this service sparingly. One appropriate current use is secondary redistribution and archiving. If you use it, you will be carried forward when the more powerful system that replaces it.
3. On America Online the posts are sent to the White House Forum, located in the News & Finance department of the service and accessible via keywords "white house" and "clinton." The White House Forum on America Online contains the press releases from the White House, divided into the categories "Press Briefings," "Meetings & Speeches," "Foreign Policy," "The Economy," "Technology," "Health Care," and "Appointments." The area features a message board so you can discuss the releases with other AOL members, and a searchable database for easy retrieval of releases in the topic that interests you.
5. MCI Mail users can access daily information on the administration's programs provided by the White House through MCI Mail bulletin boards. The available boards are: WHITE HOUSE ECONOMIC, WHITE HOUSE FOREIGN, WHITE HOUSE SOCIAL, WHITE HOUSE SPEECHES and WHITE HOUSE NEWS. A listing of these boards can also be obtained by simply typing VIEW WHITE HOUSE at the COMMAND prompt.
If you don't have access to the these accounts or if you would prefer
to receive the releases via email, then the next section details how
to sign up for this service. The server is not set up to answer
email letters, comments or requests for specific information. To
reach this MIT server, send email:
To: Clinton-Info@Campaign92.Org Subject--HelpThe server works by reading the subject line of the incoming message and taking whatever action that line calls for. If you want to sign up to automatically receive press releases, then your subject line would begin with the word RECEIVE. You can then specify what kind of information you are interested in receiving. The categories of information are:
To: Clinton-Info@Campaign92.Org Subject--RECEIVE ECONOMYWhen you send a signup message to the clinton-info server, it sends you back a status message letting you know what distribution streams you are signed up for. If you ever want to check on what groups you are signed up for send the following message:
To: Clinton-Info@Campaign92.Org Subject--STATUSYou can stop receiving email releases by sending a REMOVE message to the clinton-info server. The word REMOVE would be followed by whatever distribution stream you wanted to drop. If you wanted to stop receiving message about the ECONOMY then your mail would look like this:
To: Clinton-Info@Campaign92.Org Subject--REMOVE ECONOMYYou could substitute SOCIAL, FOREIGN, SPEECHES, NEWS or ALL for ECONOMY in the above message and you would be dropped from that distribution list. If you send the subject line REMOVE ALL, then you will be taken off the email distribution system all together and will not receive further releases of any kind.
You can also ask for help from the automated server. Send an email query as follows:
To: Clinton-Info@Campaign92.Org Subject--HELPThe server will respond by sending you a detailed form that will guide you through the process of signing up for the various distribution streams. As you will quickly discover, there is a automatic form processing interface that parallel the quick and easy subject line commands discussed here. More detailed help is available by sending an email query as follows:
To: Clinton-Info@Campaign92.Org Subject--Please Help!Finally, if you want to search and retrieve documents, but you do not have access to the retrieval methods discussed in section II, you can do this via email through the MIT server. You can obtain the WAIS query form by sending an email query as follows:
To: Clinton-Info@Campaign92.Org Subject--WAISOnce you have identified the documents that you want, be careful not to request them all at once, because you may be sent a message containing all the documents and this message may be too big for some mail delivery systems between the email server and you.
Various sites are archiving the press releases distributed . What follows
is an
incomplete list of some of the sites containing the documents that
have been released to date. This FAQ will be updated to reflect new
sites as they become known.
[hyper-editors note: assuming that web users are familiar with internet information services, I have deleted much of the explanation of these services, preferring instead to provide links to them and let them explain themselves... hope no one is too miffed)
sunsite.unc.edu also provides these documents by gopher.
Nobody wants this new venture to work more than the staff that has devoted so many hours to getting it up and running. But much time and effort will be required before the system is truly interactive. In the mean time, they will need a little patience from the electronic community. If you send a message to the White House, please include a US Post office address for replies.
You can send email to the following accounts: