hide random home screenshot http://wings.buffalo.edu/contest (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

The Best of WWW Contest

The Best of the Web

This is the Headquarters for the Best of the Web Awards, which aims to highlight those places which best show the quality, versatility, and power of the World Wide Web. This should serve two purposes:

The awards were selected via a two-month open nomination, and a two-week open voting period (i.e. they were not picked solely by me). The awards were first announced at the International W3 Conference in Geneva on May 26, 1994. The awards are now on permanent display here.

Here are the 1994 Awards!

Congratulations to the winners! Just a couple notes: Of course, we will be presenting the awards again in the fall of 1995. Although the details of operation have not been decided yet, some preliminary information about BoWeb '95 is available.
Brandon Plewe - plewe@acsu.buffalo.edu