Here you can find information about the Kaleida Media Player and the ScriptX Language and Class Library. You can also obtain your own copy of the Kaleida Media Player.
Details on ScriptX training, technical support and consulting, and the Kaleida Worldwide Developer Program can be found here.
This is where you can check out job postings and our corporate profile and history, as well as our employees' personal Web pages.
Public statements, press releases, and announcements of upcoming events from Kaleida Labs, as well as related news from other sources, are made available here.
Our reference area includes extensive on-line selections from the ScriptX Technical Reference Series, the official documentation which ships with the ScriptX Language and Class Library, as well as material designed specifically for the Web.
Here you'll find more technical information about using ScriptX: FAQs, informal examples, hints, tricks, third-party reviews, overviews....