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Mirsky is Embarrassed to Announce The Worst Contest(tm)

LESS NEW THAN BEFORE BUT STILL KIND OF! Worst of the Web Nicknames Page!
SOMEWHAT NEW! A Mirsky-Style Advertisement
OLD! Link to the new home page of some guy named David Grue!
OLD! The Mirsky-Style HomePage!

June, 1995 Entries

May, 1995 Entries

April, 1995 Entries

March, 1995 Entries

February, 1995 Entries

January, 1995 Entries

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Copyright 1995, Mirsky-Style Productions

Mirsky is a trademark of Mirsky-Style Productions
Worst of the Web is a trademark of Mirsky-Style Productions

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"The items, home pages, products and matters discussed and reviewed in Mirsky's Worst of the Web represent the opinion (good, bad or indifferent) of Mirsky himself, and are not meant as representations of fact by any person, nor are such opinions the opinions of Turnpike.net nor of any person, group, company or entity other than Mirsky."