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Purdue Weather Processor

WXP is a software package developed at Purdue University in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. It is intended to be a general purpose weather visualization tool for current and archived meteorological data. The products available with this server are derived from data obtained from the National Weather Service and the University of Wisconsin.
Goto Main Index

Current infrared satellite image and surface map

Information for the First Time User
WXP Gopher/WWW News (Updated 19 February)
WXP Frequently asked questions (Updated 10 April)
About WXP-The Weather Processor
Other Related WWW/Gopher Sites
Best of WXP Images
WXP Quick Menu (no images)
Current Data Observations
Forecast Model Data
Miscellaneous Information
Other Purdue EAS Home Pages

For more information on this server, contact:
Dan Vietor at devo@cell.atms.purdue.edu

Current Data Observations

Satellite imagery
This type of data comes from geostationary satellites orbitting around 22,000 miles above the equator. These satellites, commonly referred to as GOES satellites provide hemispheric shots of the earth on a hourly basis.

Surface data
Surface data comes from land based instrumentation generally setup at airports and reported on an hourly basis. This type of data are visualized in terms of simple plots on geographical maps, contours on the same maps and meteograms which are time series plots for a specific station. In addition, the National Weather Service provides locations of all fronts in North America which can be decoded and plotted.

Upper Air data
Upper air data aids in creating a model of the three dimensional structure of the atmosphere. The data are recorded by balloons sent up once every twelve hours (00Z and 12Z). These data are displayed as plots and contours as well as sounding plots.

Radar data
This data comes from meteorological radars placed at various locations across the United States. Each radar site reports a digitized assessment of the precipitation echoes displayed on the radar scope.

Current Forecast Model Data

MOS Forecast
This document contains plots of MOS (Model Output Statistics) from both the NGM and MRF models. From the two models, gridpoint data are compiled and used to derive conditions specific to a particular city.

NGM Model Forecast (to 48 hours)
This directory contains contour plots of data from the NGM (Nested Grid forecast Model). This model gives forecast information out to 48 hours.

ETA Model Forecast (to 48 hours)
This directory contains contour plots of data from the ETA forecast model. This is a new model aimed at replacing the NGM model at some time in the future.

RUC Model Forecast (to 12 hours)
This directory contains contour plots of data from the RUC (Rapid Update Cycle) forecast model. This is a new model aimed at giving high time resultion forecasts for short term events.

Aviation Model Forecast (to 72 hours)
This directory contains contour plots of data from the Aviation/MRF Model. This is a global model run by NMC whereas the NGM and ETA are regional models.

ECMWF Model Forecast (to 7 days)
This directory contains contour plots from the European Center for Medium range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) forecast model.

Extended Range Forecast (to 10 days)
This directory contains contour plots from the Medium Range Forecast (MRF) model. The model output runs from observed data, every 12 hours to 10 days.

Miscellaneous Information

WXP Symbol Legend
This is an image containing many of the symbols WXP uses in the plots on this server.
Image and Map Archive
This is a 2 month archive of surface maps, upper air plots and satellite images.
Interactive Maps
This is a set of interactive maps which allows you to get current data and forecasts for cities across the US.
Date/Time Label Information
Vertical Coordinate - Pressure
Wind Chill Chart
Heat Index Chart
Server Statistics
This lists current WWW and Gopher statistics.
HTTPD Overview
This is a document explaining how you can set up your WWW server. It also summarizes HTML and its capabilities.
HTML Overview
This is a document explaining the use of HTML which is the markup language used to create this document. From this information, you can create your own WWW servers.

Earth and Atmospheric Home Pages

These are home pages developed within the earth and atmospheric science research groups at Purdue. This will grow in the future.

Earth and Atmospheric Science Departmental Home Page
Midwest Agricultural Weather Center
Climate Modeling Home Page
Geophysics Home Page
Purdue Rare Isotope Measurement Laboratory (PRIME Lab)
Purdue Mesoscale Modeling Laboratory (Sun/Bosilovich)
TOGA-COARE Climatology (Vincent/Schrage)
Purdue Sports Home Page

DEVO - EAS/Purdue University