(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Purdue University Databases
- AquaNIC
The Aquaculture Network Information Center (AquaNIC) is
intended to be a gateway to the world's electronic resources
in aquaculture.
- Journal of
Infrastructure Systems (JIS)
an archival publication of the American Society of Civil
Engineers. The server contains information on the editorial
policies and administration of the journal, full-text abstracts
of all papers, forms for discussing papers and recruiting
reviewers, and pointers to other civil infrastructure information
- OWL: The Online Writing
At Purdue students come to the Writing Lab to talk with tutors
about planning and writing their papers. On-line, the Writing
Lab offers other services as well, including some of our materials
on topics such as commas, resumes, formats (such as MLA or APA)
for citing sources, non-sexist language, and other information.
You can also find useful links to sources of information for your
research papers and other writing.
Facts on crops, potential crops and plant products, newsletters,
annoucments, training programs, newcrops listserv, newcrops
library, and research news.
- Purdue Neuroscience Home
The server provides Purdue and World-Wide Web neuroscience
resources to the scientific community.
- WetNet
WetNet is a prototype water resources information server built on the
Internet's World-Wide Web (WWW) hypermedia framework. It was developed
to demonstrate full Internet functionality within the context of water
resources research, education, planning, management, and sustainment.
The WETnet database is continually expanding and evolving, and will
likely undergo significant restructuring as users are identified and
requirements are further specified. Our hope is that Indiana WETnet
becomes a model for more effective communication among water
professionals in Indiana.
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Created: Jan-4-95 -- Webmaster
Last Update: Apr-7-95