(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Forward Progress: Progressive Rock Show & Music Archives
Forward Progress: The Internet Progressive Rock Music Archives
Unfortunately, Tiger!Tiger! has left for the time being. Seems that I need
to re-digitize it.
New music, but having problems with the MPEG encoder. That and I don't
have a good sound recorder (for free, or cheap) available.
New link: Prog
Sight on Campus! Yup... I found something resembling prog. Click it to
look. :)
What is this?
This web page is a companion to two other things that tend to take up my spare
time: Forward Progress, a progressive
rock radio show at KANM
(Bryan/College Station, Texas. 99.9 FM Cable).
For more info on the show, click here
It's also a companion to the Gopher site that I run. Together, these 3
things are a state-of-the-art introduction to the world of progressive rock.
Look around, and feel free to tell me that something doesn't work (or even if
it does!). This is in the trial stages, but constantly improving.
When was this page last updated?
March?! It's going slow. I'm working on the KANM home page, as well as
school. Also, I've appointed myself in charge of getting Echolyn to play in
Texas and the South!! For more info, or to help, mail me.
Who maintains this site?
Me! The Reverend.
THere's some music, some quotes, and maybe a picture. The one in the Battalion
didn't do me ANY justice. :-(
What all can I find on this site?
- The main place for Prog:Mike Borella's WWW Page.
- NEW:Music available
for downloading. There's now more music! Included are Prometheus,
Echolyn, Iluvatar, Mastermind, Sphere, and Inferno! Soon: Cairo, Magellan,
North Star, and others.
- A page of Progressive
Rock Bands Pages. There are several, including Mastermind, Fonya, Elan,
Echolyn and Phreeworld. There are a LOT of images on there, so be warned if
you auto-load images. I maintain the Fonya & Mastermind pages, so there's
quite a bit of new & neat stuff on there (songs! Interviews! Email!)
- Interviews. I
hope to do some soon, like the one I did with the Ozric
Tentacles. Hopefully soon! (probably not till I get the tape)
- Addresses for
Bands. I'm going to update this soon... there's a LOT of bands out there!
- Playlists
for my radio show. I've even been keeping up with them!
- Information on my show (time, etc). Includes
a diagram on how to hook up to cable radio, which includes KANM!
Unfortunately, you can only receive my show if you live in College Station or
Bryan, Texas. :^(
- Access to my Gopher Site
(has playlists, but not the info on the various web pages. These days
I try to update each, but the web has more info. (several things run off of
gopher). The gopher site DOES have all the songs, though!
- FAQs on
Progressive Rock. (from Mike Borella's site)
- Information on Kamikaze Music
(mainly for musicians)
- The low-down on almost every prog band in existence: the Gibraltar Encylcopedia
of Progressive Rock (many thanks to everyone who did this!)
- A direct link to me! Email me and let me
know what you think! Whether this is what you want, suggest improvements, etc.
- Another mail link. Not all browsers support the form; if not, they'll
support this one. If using lynx, make sure you have an editor set. Click to mail me.
- Bryan/College Station Web!
- My favorite
links(and boy are they disorganized!)
- Rat's Web Page
- List of all WWW HTML Home Pages, sorted by Title.
- Fight For Your Right to Electronic Privacy!
- Pretty Good Privacy
- Apple WEB site
- WIRED magazine etext
Forward Progress: Progressive Rock Music Archives/The Reverend