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Center for Earth Observation, Yale University

Center for Earth Observation

The Center for Earth Observation (CEO) at Yale University was created in 1992 to consolidate and promote the use of satellite remote sensing on campus. The CEO is sponsored by four academic units: the departments of Geology and Geophysics and Anthropology, the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, and the School of Medicine's Department of Epidemiology and Public Health. These four groups are engaged in research projects for which satellite remote sensing and geographic information systems play an important role. In the spring of 1993, base funding for CEO was approved by the Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies and in December, 1993, CEO opened its central facility on the second floor of Bingham Laboratory on Sachem Street.

The Center provides the following resources to its users.

The CEO currently supports several academic groups and activities. The course "Observing the Earth from Space" was offered during the spring and fall of 1994 and will be taught again in the fall of 1995. Many of the graduates of this class continue to use the CEO for their thesis work and projects for other classes. In addition, several professors have hired students from this pool to assist with ongoing research. CEO projects include a wide variety of subjects: deforestation, hydrology, archeology, paleontology, cloud climatology, oceanography, geology, land use changes relating to the spread of disease, glaciology, etc.

This image of the New Haven region is computer enhanced from the Landsat Thematic Mapper instrument.

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WWW server is maintained by Paul Gluhosky, paul.gluhosky@yale.edu