hide random home screenshot http://solstice.crest.org/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Welcome to Solstice, the site for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable technology information and connections. We invite you to register with Solstice, or leave us some comments. The lists below present Solstice's content by subject and type, respectively. You can also do a full-text search of all our documents.

=Energy Efficiency= =Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources= =Environment= =Planning= =Policy, Economics and Legislation= =Education and Social Issues= =Computers and Networking= =CREST Information=

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Solstice is sponsored by CREST, the Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology in Washington, DC. If you prefer, you can visit our gopher or ftp sites.

You can visit the home page of the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN) project. CREST's role in EREN is to provide information from industry, universities, and non-profit organizations.
NEW! Order your CREST ultimate disc now! Highest quality 175 gram Discraft model with Aztec sun calendar and CREST contact information. Better than a business card. Click here for a larger picture of the disc [35k] or here for a full-size rendering [193k]. To order, mail a check for $6 per disc + $3 s/h to Michael Totten, CREST, 777 N. Capitol St., N.E., Suite 805, Washington, DC, 20002. Please make the check out to Michael Totten. Watch this space for future designs, or contribute your ideas! CREST discs are also featured at the Internet Disc Shoppe.
Here is a more detailed picture of the Aztec Sun Calendar in the logo [70k].
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