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The Shamash Project Gopher and Web servers at Nysernet in New York include texts of the tanach, divrei torah, kosher traveler's database, and mailing list newsletter archives. Shamash provides the Web service that brings you this page.
The Jerusalem One Gopher server includes Hebrew software, yeshiva information, divrei torah, holocaust information, and mailing list newsletter archives.
The Israel Government Web (www.israel.org) server in Chicago and Gopher (israel-info.gov.il) server in Israel focus on Israeli affairs, with information on Israeli life, government, news, and culture. This Gopher is mirrored by the Shamash project at Nysernet.
Macom Networking, Ltd in Jerusalem has a Web server with exhibits from the Israel Museum and SPNI, and featuring the Hebrew language (including multimedia lessons!), Israeli stamps and coins, and more.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem provides several Hebrew/English information servers with Telnet or Web access. JewishNet - Global Jewish Information Server, formerly at HUJI, is now available at its own Web site.
The University of Minnesota develops and tracks the Gopher system. They keep a database of all Gopher servers. They keep a list of links to all Gopher servers in the Middle East which includes academic, commercial, and government sites.
The Israel Government Gopher keeps a list of all Israeli Gopher servers.
The STAT-USA Gopher server at the US Department of Commerce provides information from the National Trade Data Bank at the Bureau of Public Affairs of the the US State Department, including their Background Notes on Israel.
Encyclopedia entry for Israel in the CIA World Factbook at the CIA.
Facts about Israel from the Israel Government Web server, also available via Gopher.
Web site for the city of Karmiel, Gateway to the Galilee.
The US-Israel Science and Technology Commission has a Web server at the Johns Hopkins University Genome Database.
Information about the Israeli political party Likud may be found at the Likud USA Web page.
Information about the Israeli political party Mapam may be found at their Web site in Israel.
Mail to: listserv@vm.tau.ac.il with message text: subscribe ISRALINE Devorah Cohenreplace "Devorah Cohen" with your name, and leave the Subject: line empty. (You can subscribe to all "listserv" mailing lists, like the ones in this section, with an email request in this format.)
The Israeli consulate also provides the ISRA-MID news service, which gives more in-depth coverage of news from Israel and the Middle East. ISRA-MID is also available from listserv@vm.tau.ac.il.
Jerusalem One provides several media sources available by mailing list subscription from listserv@jer1.co.il, including JEWS-NEWS and KOL-NEWS.
The Israel Government Gopher provides an archive of news from the Israeli press, including current events (ISRALINE), editorials, sports, and weather.
News in Hebrew is available from the Snunit Web server at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Information on how to set up Hebrew fonts for the Mosaic Web browser may be found at the bottom of the Hebrew U Info System FAQ help file. This FAQ describes PC's and UNIX/X, but not Mac. To read Hebrew Web docs on a Mac, you can use the Ariela font (available here from MIT), or in the font directory at an Info-Mac archive near you. More information about the representation of Hebrew text on the Internet may be found in Internet RFC 1555 by H. Nussbacher and Y. Bourvine of Hebrew U.
The Jewish Review of Portland, OR, has a Web site with archives of its newspaper stories as well as pointers to other information of both local and global interest.
The Jerusalem Post provides news service by email for a fee. Mail to them at jpost@zeus.datasrv.co.il for more information.
The Yiddish Voice of Brookline, MA, has a Gopher site with information on its radio programming.
The Jewish Exponent of Philadelphia, PA, has a Web site with information on their weekly newspaper.
The Jewish Singles News of New York, NY, has a Web site with information on their monthly newspaper.
IN Montreal is a monthly magazine with information and insights for young Jewish adults in Montreal.
The Global Learning Network at Project Genesis at Shamash has a rich assortment of Divrei Torah online, including their Hypertext Halacha English translation of the Shulchan Aruch and Mishna Berurah, which is stored at MIT.
The AishDas Society is committed to the promotion of more meaningful worship in the Orthodox Jewish community.
Search Divrei Torah at Shamash. (This service is back online!)
The excellent commentary on the Haggadah by Malbim (R. Meir Leibush ben Yechiel Michael, Bucharest 1809-1879) is available from Ohr Somayach Yeshiva in Jerusalem on the Gopher server at Jerusalem1.
Chabad has a great deal of Passover information on their Gopher, including full English text of the Haggadah, plus commentary.
The Jewish Theological Seminary of America Web Server has information on the Conservative movement, their rabbinical and cantorial schools, and other programs.
KOACH: Conservative Judaism's College Programming for the 90's, has a Web server at the Washington University in Saint Louis.
Check out the Commercial Services Gopher page at Jerusalem1.
During the Gulf War, the IRC was an important source of communication on the Internet. Transcripts of discussions with victims of the Iraqi SCUD missile attacks are archived at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. These discussions are described in a newspaper article from The Michgan Daily, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
The University of Haifa Library Web server has information about their services.
Telnet access to Jewish Theological Seminary of America Library Catalog.
Telnet access to Agudas Chabad-Lubavitch Library Catalog.
The LC MARVEL Gopher at the Library of Congress has resource areas for Middle East Studies and Jewish Studies.
Yale University maintains a Gopher database of Library Catalogs Worldwide, including those in Israel. The University of Washington maintains a Web database of Libraries on the Web.
J. Brill Publishers, Leyden, the Netherlands, presents their large catalog of Jewish and other theology books via Gopher.
On the Texas Metronet Gopher, Dallas Borders Books & Music provides lists of books that have won the National Jewish Book Awards (as well as other book award-winner lists).
A skeptical view of the Mossad, from ex-Mossad case-officer Victor Ostrofsky, the author of "By Way of Deception" and "The Other Side of Deception."
Waking in Jerusalem, a children's book by Sharon Katz.
The Jewish Studies Judaica eJournal at Shamash is an on-line journal devoted to research in Jewish Studies.
This month's Hebrew calendar (NetScape extended HTML table format).
The journal Software-Practice and Experience published two papers by Edward M. Reingold, Nachum Dershowitz, and Stewart M. Clamen on Calculating Calendars.
The Jewish community at Brown University has been involved with the Abayudaya Jews of Uganda.
Steven Grimm shares Visions of Israel from his trip in 1992.
US State Department Travel Advisory Information for Israel.
Jerusalem1 has Kashrut information sorted by community.
Kashrut Conscience Bulletin from the Kosher Information Bureau in Los Angeles.
Shai Israel Mandel at RPI has Jewish Web pages too.
AJSJ Alliance for Judaism and Social Justice is a Jewish community for progressives in their 20's and 30's. This site is maintained by David Heller at Indigo Internet Consulting in New York, who also has a listing of his favorite Jewish resources on the Web.
The Yahoo information service at Stanford has a Judaism Web page.
Matthew Album at ANJY has an extensive Alphabetical Index of Jewish Web links.
Visit the Virtual Shtetl, the Yiddish Language and Culture Web site at the University of North Carolina.
There's a Jewish Genealogy Web page at Penn State University.
Ernie Cohen at Bellcore has an Israeli Folkdance Archive Web page, with information like events, camps, music sellers, and dance contacts in various cities. Jeff Lerman at Washington University in St. Louis has a Web page with choreographic descriptions of Israeli folk dances.
Meir Israel Green at Columbia has a Web page with information about Jewish Collegiate a Cappella music, and other Jewish music.
Joe Laufer at the University of Texas, Austin, has a page for Studentim Yisraelim Be-Chul with information of interest to Israelis studying abroad.
The Western Region of the National Jewish Committee on Scouting has a Web page that describes their Scouting opportunities for Jewish youth.
Jewish Marriage Encounter weekends offer couples an opportunity to explore the full potential of their relationships, with an emphasis on communication and understanding.
The WELL in San Francisco has a Web page for their online Jewish Conference.
The Middle East/North Africa Internet Resource Guide is available from the Clearinghouse for Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides.
The Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Texas at Austin has a list of Middle East information services.
Palestinian resources on the net from the Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People at the United Nations Development Programme.
Enrico Segre's unique perspective as an Italian Jew in Kansai, Japan.
Israeli pilot Ron Arad has been held prisoner since 16 October 1986, when his plane went down while flying a patrol over Lebanon.
Andrew Tannenbaum