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Severe Tire Damage -- First Live Band on the Internet Severe Tire Damage

Severe Tire Damage -- First Live Band on the Internet

STDWelcome to the Severe Tire Damage Home Page.

LIVE! CONTROL THE CAMERA AND GRAB IMAGES FROM STD REHEARSAL! Go to this page anytime to try the Severe Tire Damage Virtual Camera.

LIVE! Control the MIX! Operate the Virtual Mixer! (when the band is playing...)

See Severe Tire Damage On Computer Chronicles (non-internet TV). Here are the quicktime movies of our 3.5 minutes playing music, jumping around, and talking to the camera. Quicktime/Jpeg, may require more processing (38MB). Quicktime/ordinary (54MB). (These stereo recordings sometimes don't play well with xanim on Unix systems -- it duplicates the audio tracks.)

Severe Tire Damage is now doing live weekly MBone internet broadcasts. Tune into the Severe Tire Damage channel every wednesday at 9pm PST for a short burst of music, silliness, and lost packets. (Warning: we may be switching to 7pm PST soon). Catch our advertisements on the MBone all week long.

We've been around since 1989, playing gigs at parties, clubs, and in the streets. The band plays a variety of popular music, primarily rock & roll tunes. Although we play mostly covers, we also have over a dozen original songs.

If our band name seems familiar, that's because there are many references in the popular literature to a band with that name. Is it us?

Severe Tire Damage was the first live band on the Internet; we also (sort of) opened for the Rolling Stones.

Number of hits per day on this page.

Band Members

The core group consists of four members (see for yourself) Brad Horak is our lighting and effects director, and appreciates music no one else does. Hania Gajewska is our long-time supporter, manager, lighting tech, and occasional roadie. Lance Berc of Digital SRC and Berry Kercheval of Xerox PARC are our MBone and Camera wizards.

Additional friends drop in from time to time. Founding member Anna Karlin sometimes does keyboards, guitar, and vocals. Ethan Robertson frequently plays sax and keyboards. Dexter Kozen plays guitar and writes a few more songs when he is in town. Former member Amy Lansky of the Wizards sometimes does vocals. Daniel Scharstein of Harmful If Swallowed has sat in on keyboards and drums.

Founding member (original drummer) Ken Beckman sometimes does our live audio engineering. Bruce Donald, of Harmful If Swallowed, sometimes sits in with STD.

Tiger Teeth

What are tiger teeth?
What is an Indy?

First Live Band On the Internet

Severe Tire Damage was the first live band on the Internet. On June 24, 1993, Severe Tire Damage was broadcast live from the patios of Xerox PARC onto the Internet Multicast Backbone (the "MBone"), both audio and video. They were seen and heard live as far away as Australia. Anna Karlin was with the band then. MBone engineering by Ron Frederick and Steve Deering of the Computer Science Lab at Xerox PARC.

The second Severe Tire Damage Internet broadcast occured on November 18, 1994, from 6:30-6:50pm PST. Broadcasting from the Digital Systems Research Center in Palo Alto, Severe Tire Damage opened on the Internet for the Rolling Stones Internet broadcast, which began on the same MBone channel at 7pm. Severe Tire Damage also played some tunes after the Stones, at 8:05pm, on the same channel. Audio engineering by Ken Beckman, MBone engineering by Lance Berc, both of Digital's Systems Research Center.

The press has been generous.

Other comments about our 'cast.

If you heard us, we want to hear from you!

How to Hear Us

There is some digitized music available.

But best is to hear us live, simply by throwing a party and convincing us to play. Call any of these numbers in the (415) area code: 851-2949, 851-4119, or 585-4263.

Places That Don't Hate Us

Bay Area Underground Music Page: Favorite Groups

Internet Underground Music Archive

MBone rock broadcasts

Cybersight Hot URL List For Music

MKB Music Harmony List

Rock home pages

Yahoo Bay Area Entertainment: Bands

Ultimate Band List

Places That Hate Us

The Rolling Stones

Other Places

Mamouth Music Meta-List

STD LOGO, suitable for blowing up and framing (postscript)

STD (band@std.com) November 20, 1994 9:38:49 pm PST