(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Yale Condensed Matter Theory
Yale Condensed Matter Theory Group
Condensed matter physics is the study of the macroscopic
properties of materials. It seeks to use the well-established laws of microscopic physics
to predict the collective properties of very large
numbers of electrons, atoms or molecules. While the basic laws of motion of individual electrons, protons and neutrons are very simple, large numbers of such particles often display surprisingly complex phenomena. For materials as diverse as semiconductors, superconductors, or liquid crystals, considerable progress has been made in relating their bulk properties to those of their microscopic constituents. Much of the field relies on the principles of statistical mechanics, whose basic theoretical foundations were laid in the late 19th century by Yale physicist, Josiah Willard Gibbs.
Theoretical research in condensed matter physics is carried out in an interdepartmental group of the Departments of Physics and Applied Physics. The group has five faculty members, along with several postdoctoral fellows and graduate students. Interests range from the
study of electronic properties of semiconductor microstructures to those of the high temperature superconductors. Applications from students seeking a Ph.D. degree in this condensed matter physics are welcomed: Please contact the
Yale Graduate School Admissions Office, Box 1504A Yale Station,
New Haven, CT 06520
Postdoctoral Fellows
- K. Damle
- M. Gokcedag
- I. Gruzberg
- M. Milovanovic
- J. Noeckel
- T. Senthil
- U. Waghmare
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