(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
our home (11K, 125K)
Welcome to the Rhetoric Department!
A welcome message from the department head. (545K)
NOTE: You are entering a hard hat area. Please be patient as we get our homepage organized and snazzy-looking. Please send your comments to:
Our earthmail address is:
Department of Rhetoric / University of Minnesota / 201 Haecker Hall / 1364 Eckles Ave. / St. Paul, MN 55108-6122 Phone: (612) 624-3445
Thanks for visiting! We hope you enjoy your stay!
Why Is Rhetoric in the College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences (CAFES)?"
What is Rhetoric and why is it in the College of Ag? Good questions. We hope a Brief History of our Department and a description of Scientific & Technical Communication will help explain things.
Rhetoric's Mission:
In this section you will find Rhetoric's mission statement and current
research, and
outreach activities.
Technical Communication Quarterly (TCQ)
TCQ, the journal of the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW), is housed in our department.
Rhetoric Programs
In addition to providing writing, speaking, and humanities courses for students in the CAFES, we offer undergraduate and graduate programs in Scientific and
Technical Communication.
Undergraduate Program
Graduate Programs
Related Departments
Rhetoric Course Offerings
You can also check out our Course summary for short descriptions of upper-division courses.
Who We Are...
Some of our faculty and students. (12k)
- Rhetoric Faculty
- Check out what our faculty's research interests are, what courses they teach, their recent publications, etc. For an overview of faculty research interests, check out the Faculty Interest Summary
- Rhetoric Student pages
- These range from serious to downright goofy. These were designed by the students whom they describe.
- Undergraduate students , Graduate students
- Rhetoric Staff
- Find out more about the people that take care of the day-to-day tasks that
keep our department running--from changing projector lightbulbs and scheduling courses, to making sure the computers work and the bills get paid.
Rhetoric Association of Student TEchnical Communicators (RASTEC)
RASTEC is a student group and a committee within the Twin Cities chapter of the Society for Technical Communication (STC).
Department Publications
A more or less annotated list of other sites of interest to rhetoricians and scientific and technical communicators. We are constantly adding new links, so stop back regularly. If you know of a great site let us know!
Please send messages about layout, design, errors, etc. to Lise Hansen at
Thanks go to Mike Balak for getting our server running.
University of Minnesota / Rhetoric Department / Tel: (612)624-3445 / Fax: (612)624-3617
1364 Eckles Ave, St. Paul, MN 55108-6116 Last modified April 3, 1995