/MouseTracks/ presents, and offers commentary on, many of the marketing activities and marketing resources currently present on the Internet. You can expect /MouseTracks/ to change frequently but irregularly.
© 1994, 1995 New South Network Services.
Attracting mice and analyzing their tracks for the entire 16 month history of marketing on the Internet.
Table of Contents
At this time one of the most prevalent species appearing on the net is the Electronic Mall or Storefront. Choose this page to view a collection of these entities. In fact there are so many already, we have collected an entire Hall of Malls.
Somewhere as I write this an airline marketing executive is probably trying to figure out the cross elasticity between videoconferencing and travel. But since there is no substitute for being there, at least at this time, we present Conference Calls .
Various companies have started to explore the Internet as an entertainment or communications outlet. It is, after all, universally agreed that the Internet is the hottest New Medium since the invention of stone tablets, or at least Melrose Place. In general, these businesses fall into two categories: established media companies seeking online product extensions and cyberpunk startups seeking who knows what.
It seems a little retro to mention email lists, but they can be very helpful at times. And infuriating. In either case you might want to subscribe to one of the growing numbers of email lists populated by marketers and enumerated in The List of Marketing Lists.
When you do direct marketing, you need to know a lot of weird little things about the post office. If you market your good or service internationally, there are countless cultural details that must be mastered to do a good job. But truly, marketing over the Internet requires some seriously esoteric skills. I figure it is important that we master these Nuts and Bolts before everybody on the planet has a PPP account.
There are a set of companies attempting to market to marketers. This second-order market might be called the MetaMarket. Oh; and as you might say to your own customers; caveat emptor.
Someone has to sit back, watch the goings on, analyze, and pass the accumulated wisdom on to the next generation of marketers. Well, to be honest, no one really has to, but a few folks are doing so anyway. And even practitioners might find some items here not merely Of Academic Interest. /MouseTracks/ also has a sibling page, /Preps/, about marketing instruction.
There are at least two professional organization with a net presence which represent marketers. The American Marketing Association has established The Marketing Mix. Also, the INFORMS College on Marketing will soon be announcing a Web site.