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Hi there.

We are a subsidiary of British Telecom based in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland - a rural area but one in which there is considerable development and use of Information Technology and Telecommunications.

IT has figured extensively here in secondary education for some time and work is currently under way to create an advanced distance learning University based on sophisticated IT.

This is also one of Europe's major areas in the use of IT for distance working.

Apart from that it is a great place to live with a superb quality of life and excellent sporting, leisure and cultural facilities.

We thought that in our spare time we would put together some very brief information which could be expanded and developed in a more structured manner if anyone is interested.

So if you have any thoughts or ideas or if there is anything you want to know about Gaelic culture, the history of the Scotch whisky industry, the latest submarine searches for the Loch Ness monster or any commercial, rural, social or cultural activity just send us a brief message.

Any suggestions for additional information or comments to webmaster@nsa.bt.co.uk Please quote the URL of the page you are commenting on, thanks.

Further Information

Distance Working
Developments in remote working in this rural area.

Sporting Activities
Typical sporting activities

Leisure and Culture
A thumb-nail sketch.

Gaelic Language
Some of the courses and activities of the pricipal Gaelic College on the Island of Skye.

A brief indication of the nature of tourism in the region.

Type of business activity and the structures underlying it.