(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Graduate Studies
Graduate Studies in the Department of Mathematics
Vanderbilt University
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The department offers the Master of Arts, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in mathematics. The Master of Arts in Teaching is also available.
The M.A. and M.S. degrees require completion of 24 hours of course work and a thesis, or completion of 36-hours of course work. In the 36-hour program, up to l2 hours may be taken in related fields such as computer science, economics, or physics. The 36-hour degree program is flexible and is particularly suited to meet the needs of students preparing for careers in industry, actuarial work, and government. The M.A.T. degree requires 36 hours of course work, including at least l8 hours in mathematics. Students take the professional education courses necessary for certification in the state in which they wish to teach.
After completing the core curriculum, Ph.D. candidates begin in depth study in their area of concentration, undertaking seminar work and writing a dissertation. The qualifying process has been specifically designed to accelerate progress toward research. In addition to an examination in the area of competence, candidates write an expository paper of some magnitude, which usually leads to a dissertation topic. Candidates for the Ph.D. must demonstrate a reading knowledge of one language chosen from French, German, or Russian.
With a faculty to student ratio approximately 1:1, graduate students receive a great deal of individual attention. Research opportunities are available in many areas of algebra, analysis, applied mathematics, differential equations, graph theory, and topology.
The Jean and Alexander Heard Library is one of the important research libraries in the South, with more than 1,800,000 volumes in eight divisions. It contains over 17,000 mathematics volumes and approximately 250 mathematics journals.
The University's computer facilities include two VAX 8800's, an IBM 4361, and multiple minicomputers and microcomputers. The department has its own DEC system 3100 computer running the Ultrix operating system, which is freely available for use by graduate students. Graduate students also have access to numerous microcomputers.
Most graduate students receive financial support in the form of teaching assistantships, which currently provide a stipend of $11,400 for nine months plus a tuition waiver. Some applicants are awarded fellowships with a stipend over and above the regular departmental award: The University Graduate Fellowships provide an additional stipend of $5,000 for a total of $16,400 and the Harold Stirling Vanderbilt Scholarships and Graduate Select Scholarships provide additional stipends of $3,000 for a total of $14,400 for nine months. A student holding one of these awards may also be awarded a Colowick Scholarship paying an additional $3,000. The Graduate School also awards several Dean's Graduate Fellowships, with stipends of $12,000 plus a tuition waver, to African-American graduate students. All stipends are expected to be increased for 1996/97.
Virtually all graduate students in mathematics are supported by assistantships or fellowships, which include tuition waivers. For others, tuition is $744 per semester hour.
Although ample privately owned rental accommodations are available within walking distance of the campus, graduate students may apply for housing in University apartments. There are accommodations for both single and married students ranging from $233 to $650 per month. The University maintains several cafeterias on campus. Vanderbilt students receive health service benefits and major medical insurance coverage for the student.
University enrollment is about 9,000 including 1,300 students in the Graduate School. There are 36 graduate students in mathematics including 10 women. Almost all of the mathematics graduate students are pursuing the Ph.D. degree.
Vanderbilt is near the center of
Nashville, a metropolitan area of half a million people in the heart of Middle Tennessee. The rolling hills and waterways of the region have made Nashville a mecca for lovers of the outdoors. Nashville is the cultural, commercial, and financial center of the mid-south.
Vanderbilt is an independent, privately supported university with a quality liberal arts college and a full range of graduate and professional programs. Founded in 1873, the University now includes the College of Arts and Science, the Graduate School, and eight professional schools. The University is a member of the Association of American Universities and is accredited by the Southern Association of College and Schools.
Applicants should submit complete credentials to the Graduate School prior to January l5 to assure themselves of consideration. Late applications will be considered if positions are still available. Prospective applicants are asked to note that GRE scores are required for all applicants and TOEFL scores are required for all applicants from outside the United States whose native language is not English.
Correspondence and Information:
Professor Bruce Hughes
Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Mathematics
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee 37240
Telephone: (6l5) 322-6660
Vanderbilt University is committed to principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action.