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The Ohio State University

Welcome to the Department of Linguistics


  1. Departmental Directory (local access only)
  2. Department-internal information (local access only)
  3. Schedule of Events
  4. Class Schedule
  5. Faculty
  6. Graduate Students

Departmental Publications

  1. Language Files
  2. Linguistics Dissertations (OSDL)
  3. OSU Working Papers in Linguistics (OSU WPL)

Other Resources at OSU Linguistics

  1. Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
  2. Linguistics Laboratory
  3. OSU Linguistics Gopher
  4. The Center for Cognitive Science

Linguistics on the Internet

  1. The LINGUIST List
  2. The LINGUIST List Archive
  3. Linguistics Archive at U Mich
  4. Linguistics Resources (SIL)
  5. Virtual Library Linguistics page

Human Languages

  1. Human Languages and Linguistics Page (Yahoo, Stanford)
  2. Human Languages Page
  3. Webster's Dictionary

Mailing address:
Department of Linguistics
222 Oxley Hall
1712 Neil Ave.
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210

614-292-4052 (phone)
614-292-4273 (fax)