Nestled in the suburban town of College Park in the center of the diverse and resource rich Baltimore-Washington corridor, the university offers a unique setting for over 200 exemplary undergraduate and graduate academic programs. College Park is the flagship campus of the University System. Internationally known for its prestigious faculty and research programs, College Park maintains its commitment to students through teaching excellence, exemplary academic resources, and personal attention.
Take a tour of College Park. Stop by the President's office for a short welcome and then peruse the campus map for a bird's eye view of the home of over 35,000 students, faculty and staff. Visit other resources available at UMCP which include our campus libraries, computing resources, and other campus web servers. Consult the undergraduate and graduate catalog for admissions information.
inforM, Information for Maryland, College Park Campus-wide Information Server
Search inforM (WWW and Gopher) at College Park
Who's Who (Faculty and Staff) at College Park
Colleges, Schools, Departments, and Centers
World Wide Web at College Park