(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Public Web Home Page for the British Society of Sports History
The British Society of Sports
The Aims of the Society are:
- to promote, stimulate and encourage discussion, study, research and
publications on the history of sport and physical education
- to organise meetings and workshops and to publish materials that advance
interest and scholarship in the area of study
- to liase with individuals and institutions having an interest in the aims of
the Society
It will seek to achieve these aims by:
- Encouraging and assisting in the preservation and cataloguing of records.
- Publishing literature and disseminating information through such means as
conferences, seminars and courses.
- Seeking to develop and advance research and teaching in the history of sport
throughout Britain.
- Developing links with national and international bodies with like aims and
- Being a forum for the discussion of new approaches, ideas and information.
- Provide assistance to authors through Sports History Publishing. The
professional help is available without charge to any member.
The British Society
of Sports History organises annual
The British Society of Sport History publishes the following:
Dr Richard William Cox, Chairman, The British Society of Sports History
Last updated: 21st March 1995