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Getting started with WWW
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Getting Started


So where can I find information about W3?

Getting Started using telnet

All the information about W3 is on ther web. So how to get started? There are a number of ways. You can browse through all that information by just telnetting to one of the addresses below, or you can pick up information using anonymous FTP. If you want to use telnet, try some of the following. (Log in as www if asked for a user name)
telnet telnet.w3.org
(or telnet The simplest line mode browser. This server is in Geneva, Switzerland.
telnet ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu
A full screen browser "Lynx" which requires a vt100 terminal. Log in as www. University of Kansas
telnet www.njit.edu
Log in as www. A full-screen browser at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA.
telnet vms.huji.ac.il
(or telnet A dual-language Hebrew/English database, with links to the rest of the world. The line mode browser, plus extra features. Log in as www. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
telnet sun.uakom.cs
Slovakia. Has a slow link, use from nearby.
telnet fserv.kfki.hu
Hungary. Has a slow link, use from nearby. Login is as www.
telnet info.funet.fi
(or telnet (FINLAND)
Cornel Law school

Using FTP

Alternatively, you can pick up some information in plain text or postscript form from the anonymous FTP archive on info.cern.ch. Just FTP to info.cern.ch (or and log in as "anonymous" with for password your mail address user@host.

Change directory (cd) to pub/www/doc, and see what's there (ls command).

If you have an X-windows workstation, pick up the binary (preferably) or else the source of NCSA's Mosaic for X from ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu, in the directory /Web/xmosaic. Just uncompress it, set it executable, and run it.

See also: the W3 bibliography , about W3 distributed code , using FTP.

Using email

If you don't have full Internet connectivity, you can still access W3 through email. Just send a mail to agora@mail.w3.org with the body

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Tim BL