Welcome to the Institute for Biomedical Computing (IBC) , a joint collaborative research venture between the School of Medicine and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Contact us for more information. Send e-mail to IBC personnel if you know who you want to contact.
If you have comments or ideas use this form or send e-mail to : www@ibc.wustl.edu or send an inquiry to:
This server runs on a Sun SPARCserver 630MP running Solaris 2.4 on quad 55 MHZ ROSS HyperSPARC processors. and the GN gopher/HTTP server and the NCSA HTTPD Server. Using the wwwstat perl script (along with a GN version I modified) we can also generate usage statistics of our server.
This server has been developed and is maintained by Hugh Chou at the Institute for Biomedical Computing with assistance and advice from the Washington University Office of the Network Coordinator and the Medical Library.