(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
William E. Field
Acting Department Head
Welcome (217 kB).
This Department builds on
Purdue University's exceptional cross-disciplinary strengths
in Agriculture and in Engineering
to offer unique, biologically focused engineering and
technology (systems) management programs for the food, agricultural
and rural environment sectors of a global economy.
Three Undergraduate Programs
- Schools of Engineering (ABET-accredited):
- Agricultural Engineering
- Food and Bio-Process Engineering
- School of Agriculture:
- Agricultural Systems Management
Graduate Education/Research
Graduate education is the foundation and a vital
"product" of our quest to extend knowledge frontiers.
Both Master's and Doctor
of Philosophy programs are available in the three
B.S. degree fields.
Helen Glick,
Graduate Secretary, will answer specific questions or you may
request an application.
Excellent facilities
and more than 50 research projects support Graduate
Assistantships in seven areas:
Graduate-level Courses for Credit
are now internationally on-line.
Extension Education/Service
Professional, life-long education and technology transfer
are the foci of our land-grant extension mission.
Faculty specialists cover the following areas:
Agricultural Engineering Dept.
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1146
Phone: (317) 494-1167 (7:30 AM - 5 PM EST)
FAX: (317) 496-1115
Driving directions
to the Purdue campus.
Departmental building abbreviation for
campus map: AGEN
(South-East quarter of campus map)
Other Agricultural/Biological Engineering Departments