Programs of Study
The Stanford University Graduate School of Business (GSB) provides graduate-level education in the fields of business and management. The Stanford GSB offers three degree oriented programs of study (MBA, Sloan, PhD), and multiple Executive Education programs.
The MBA, Sloan and Doctoral programs are offered over three-quarter academic years, with no courses offered during the Summer. Executive Education Programs are offered over one- to seven-week periods during the Summer quarter.
"It Is a Powerhouse,"
[Video/Quicktime: 7.8 MB/93 Seconds] in which
Dean A. Michael Spence
describes what it is that makes the Stanford GSB so unique and successful. (
Audio Only
The degree programs:
MBA Program
The MBA program is a two-year program of study in management and related disciplines, leading to the degree of Master of Business Administration.
Audio Clip:
"Classes Come to Life,"
[Audio/Sun u-law: 551 KB/70 Seconds] in which Florian Pape, MBA '93 describes his Stanford experience.
Stanford Sloan Program
The Sloan program is a ten-month general management program for executives, leading to the degree of Master of Science in Management.
PhD Program
The PhD program is a multi-year program oriented toward students who wish to pursue academic careers, leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
The Executive Education Programs
Each Summer, Stanford offers multiple programs of Executive Education, in several locations around the world. These one- to seven-week programs are oriented at professionals who wish to increase their skill set without pursuing a full degree, or at persons already holding graduate business degrees who desire additional education in a particular area.