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Genealogy Online

Genealogy Online

Santa Cruz, California

These archives and services are available from Genealogy Online.

The Emcee Internet Directory

Provides links to genealogical collections, software and vendors as well as to other resources often sought after by genealogists, such as libraries, universities, historical collections, government and more. Links to additional Web directories and to other Santa Cruz sites are also included.

Online 1880 census

A 1% sampling of the 1880 U.S. Federal Census. Includes more than 170,000 families and more than 1/2 million individuals. Please see FTP note, below.

Catalog of microfilmed census schedules

An interactive version of the catalog, "Federal Population Censuses 1790-1890," published by the National Archives Trust Fund Board.

PAF Review

World Wide Web version of Mike St. Clair's PAF Review. The vast majority of utilities for PAF and GEDCOM are described, often with examples of output.

Genealogy BBS List

Richard Pence's consolidated list of genealogy Bulletin Board Systems, compiled for the National Genealogical Society. Converted for the Web by Mike St. Clair.

Genealogy Events Calendar

A listing of upcoming genealogical seminars, conferences and workshops.

The Genealogy Online FTP archives - Please see FTP note, below.

Genealogy Internet 'lists.' - Please see FTP note, below.

The Genealogy Online list server accepts subscriptions and posts to six genealogy-related lists:

Free telnet / email services

Linux shell account. Offer your files and services at virtually no charge to you.

Receive more information by email

Genealogy Online is home to several autoreply accounts. Select a topic and information will be returned to you via email.

Network Status

Recent status reports from scruz-net, Genealogy Online's Internet provider.

* FTP note: If you receive a 'cannot access' error while trying to access the FTP archive, it means that the server has reached reached it's limit of simultaneous logins.

Michael Cooley - Owner and System Administrator - emcee@emcee.com