(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
OMIM -- Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
OMIM Search Options
The results of last summer's survey (see below) of our most frequent
users prompted us to extend our survey beyond the first group
of respondents. This time we focus on issues of quality, satisfaction, and
future development. Thank you again for your time and interest in OMIM.
Note: This form requires a WWW Client such as
that supports fill-in forms.
WinMosaic 2alpha is not sufficiently robust to support these query forms.
OMIM User Survey Report
Last summer users who frequently accessed OMIM through IRx
participated in a survey. The purpose of the survey was twofold: to
profile the user as well as to gather feedback about certain features that
had been introduced over the past several months. The results were
tabulated and are presented here for your information. Our thanks to all
who participated.
OMIM is the online version of "Mendelian Inheritance in Man" --
the comprehensive
source on genetic disorders, by Dr. Victor McKusick.
Further information is available about the
OMIM Editorial Policy.
General Query Help including examples
is available.
For comments, bug reports, etc. please
send a message to
Genome Data Base