(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Japan - WWW Virtual Library
Japan - WWW Virtual Library
[ Established: 5 April 1994. Last revised: 29 March 1995. This month`s
additions are marked "***"]
This document is listed under
the WWW
Virtual Library - Asian Studies WWW Server and is also
listed under the WWW Virtual Library - Geography Server. It
has been created to keep track of leading information
facilities in/about Japan. Please mail if you know of relevant WWW
servers not in this list or if you are interested in maintaining
a WWW VL specialist page for a particular aspect of
Japan's society, culture, history, economics or Japan-related
information resources.
This page is under continuous construction.
Our New Japan Information Server
Japan Window is now Open!
A US-Japan Collaboration for Internet-based Japan Information
Brought to you by Stanford University and NTT
[See also What's New on the Web? [latest news] (MMINK,USA)
or What's New on the Web? [complete news] (NCSA,USA)
for an extensive listing of other WWW developments and additions.]
General Information
- *** Web server: The Japan Center for Intercultural Communications (JCIC)
- The Japan Center for Intercultural Communications provides information relating to its goal of increasing mutual understanding between Japan and the world.
- Web server: The Nippon Telegraph and Telephone
NTT Homepage
- This NTT R&D Labs server maintains a wide variety of general Japan information, including the Japanese Information Homepage, and the URL Square (Meta Index), which maintains extensive listings of Internet sites in Japan.
- Web server: Kansai-WWW
- This server provides general news and information about the Kansai region of Japan, encompassing the metropolitan area of Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe.
- Web server: PEC Japan Resource Page
- The Japan Resource Page contains a wealth of information about various subjects relating to Japan, including Japan oriented publications, Japanese Businesses, and even a Japanese penpal service.
Business, Economics and Finance
- Web server: Keidanren - Japan Federation of Economic Organizations.
- Keidanren (Japan Federation of Economic Organizations) is a private and non-profit economic organization which represents virtually all branches of economic activities in Japan.
- Web server: Eccosys
- Eccosys is home to Shima Net as well as the first e-shop in Japan.
- Web server: Nomura Research Institute (NRI)
NRI Homepage
- This experimental NRI server (under construction) is expected to maintain a wide variety of Japanese business, economics and financial information.
- Web server:
Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
- The MPT site provides information on programs, regulatory activities and technology policy within its jurisdiction.
- Web server: Prime Minister of Japan
Prime Minister`s Official Residence
- This experimental server (under construction) is expected to become
a source of current information on Japanese policy, speeches before the Diet, and other political affairs.
- Web server: US Department of Commerce
Japan Technology Program (JTP)
- This server (under construction) is expected to become
a source of current information on US-Japanese technology policy and management issues.
Social Science and Socio-Economics Studies
- Gopher server: The Australian
Japan Research Information Resources
- This Gopher site is maintained by the Research Schools of Social Sciences &
Pacific and Asian Studies, at the Australian National University in Canberra. This site points to major Japan information gophers in Japan, Australia, the U.S. and elsewhere.
Science and Technology
- *** Web server: Ohio State Japan Science and Technology Page
- This page from Ohio State provides a great variety of links to Japanese information sources on many scientific and engineering disciplines.
- *** Web server: The Japan Database Promotion Center (DPC)
- The Japan Database Promotion Center's activities include promoting database producing and technical development. This server provides information on current such activites and publications of the DPC.
- Web server:
University of Arizona JapanCS Project
- This server provides information on Japanese scientific and technical information related to computing and computer science. It includes a searchable index of David Kahaner's reports in addition to a wealth of other information.
- Web server:
Fujitsu Ltd.
- This server provides information on Fujitsu's commercial Internet services and products, as well as general corporate information.
- Web server:
Stanford U.S.-Japan Technology Management Center
- The Stanford USJTMC, School of Engineering, maintains a wide variety of information on Japanese science and technology programs, and on Japan-related programs, events and activities in the San Francisco and Northern California area.
- Of particular interest is the Experimental Internet X-Guide to Japan Information Resources which maintains links to related Japan-information sites in Japan, the U.S. and other countries, in the following knowledge domains:
- Japanese Science and Technology Management and Policy Information.
- Japanese Business, Economic and Financial Information.
- Japanese Law and Regulation.
- U.S.-Japan Relations and Policy.
- Working, Studying, Living and Traveling in Japan.
- Japanese Language Information Processing.
- Japanese History and Culture.
- Teaching the Japanese Language.
- Teaching Japanese Technology and Business Management Practices.
- General Information on Japan.
- Web server: The Center for Global Communications, GLOCOM, International
University of Japan.
- The Center's research focuses on the global impact of computer-based
communication on social, economic, political, cultural and technical
issues. The server contains GLOCOM research papers, project summaries and reports, and information from GLOCOM's partner organization The Institute for
HyperNetwork Society.
The GLOCOM server is also home to INFORUM a collaboration among various Japanese academic, corporate and government organizations concentrating on providing access to Japanese "gray literature".
- Web server: The U.S.
Japan Industry Technology and Management Training Program (JITMT)
- This JITMT Program Homepage provides links to leading U.S. universities and companies which collect and disseminate Japan-related information. JITMT Centers are chartered to prepare U.S. scientists, engineers and technology managers in Japanese technology R&D and management practices.
- Current U.S. institutions who are members of the JITMT Program, and who are referenced in the JITMT Homepage, include the following Centers:
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology/MIT Japan Program.
- Stanford University/U.S.-Japan Technology Management Center.
- University of California, Berkeley.
- University of Michigan.
- University of New Mexico
- University of Pittsburgh/Carnegie Mellon University.
- University of Washington.
- University of Wisconsin/NTU/EAGLE.
- University City Science Center: Drexel, Temple, UPenn.
- Vanderbilt University.
- Web server:
Toyo Engineering Corporation (TEC)
- Toyo maintains a very attractive Web site which covers general info about TEC activities, IMS Program information, and Chiba Bay Area information.
Broader and Related Topics
If you know of Internet-accessible information source(s) that should be included in the WWW Virtual Library,
- For Geography subjects, email directly to the CERN
Geography Web Server Administrators at
- For subjects other than Japan Information or Geography, email also to:
Administrator for the WWW Virtual Library - JAPAN:
Burton Lee
Stanford U.S.-Japan Technology Management Center
fax: 415-723-4659
Contribution and maintenance by:
Fred Delse