(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Other archives: pcpress
ExPASy Molecular Biology Server
This is the ExPASy World Wide Web (WWW) molecular biology server of the
Geneva University Hospital and the University of Geneva. This server is
dedicated to the analysis of protein and nucleic acid sequences as well as
2-D PAGE (Disclaimer).
Database entry points
- SWISS-PROT - Annotated protein sequence database
- PROSITE - Dictionary of protein sites and patterns
- SWISS-2DPAGE - Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis database
- SWISS-3DIMAGE - Database of images of crystallized proteins
- ENZYME - Enzyme nomenclature database
- SeqAnalRef - Sequence analysis bibliographic reference database
Tools and software packages
- Tools
- Access to sequence analysis tools
- Swiss-Shop
- Sequence alerting system for SWISS-PROT
- Swiss-Model
- Automated knowledge-based protein modelling server
- Melanie
- Software packages for 2-D PAGE analysis (including the Melanie II
Other data available on this server
Gateways to other molecular biology servers
Other interesting places to visit
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