(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
DeMars Photo Gallery
Calendar Images January - December
- Chen Rio Beach - Cozumel, Mexico
- French Angelfish - Cayman Brac
- Scorpionfish - Cozumel, Mexico
- Coral Reef - Taveuni, Fiji
- Schooling Grunts - Little Cayman
- Feather Duster - Roatan, Honduras
- Japanese Bullets - Truk, Micronesia
- Squirrelfish - Bonaire
- Orange Cup Corals - Truk, Micronesia
- Clownfish - Beqa Lagoon, Fiji
- Lionfish - Palau, Micronesia
- Red Soft Coral - Truk, Micronesia
The artist is an underwater photographer interested in capturing the beauty of undersea world. The technology able to view these images is still improving and advancing yet these images
will be usable by you when HDTV becomes a standard, and even beyond that.
To order other images, (602) 944-0790 or
Demars Photo Gallery - P.O. Box 10651 - Phoenix, AZ 85064
Cybermart webmasters