(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Computer Science Technical Report Archive Sites
This is a local search engine for Rik Harris' list of Computer Science
Technical Report Archive Sites which is periodically posted to
See also:
Information about the list
There are also various other useful sources for tracking down
technical reports, some of which are:
The CS TR Archive Sites List
- An HTML version of the full list at Monash U. in Australia.
An Abstracts Index for more than 10,000 papers
- Also maintained by Rik Harris.
- The Unified CS TR Index
- A similar service maintained by Marc VanHeyningen at Indiana U.
On-line CS Techreports
- A list of ftp sites at CMU.
CACM experimental index
- An index of papers appearing in CACM.
Suggestions for additional entries are welcome!
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