hide random home screenshot http://csir1.usmacs.maine.edu/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)


Welcome to the University of Southern Maine's WWW server!

I'm in the process of fixing a few things... so be patient please.

Local campus information:

[EVENTS] Things happening here at USM (events)
MAP USM Campus maps (clickable images with links!)
[CCSO..] University of Southern Maine phone book
[GOPHER] University of Southern Maine's gopher server
[WWW] USM Department Home Pages
[WWW] USM Personal Home Pages
Don't forget to check out our USM HOT LIST of sites people on campus think are of general interest.

If you have found a really excellent site for the hot list or you would like to make comments or suggestions, then please fill out the registration/comment form. It will auto-magically send mail to ``someone who cares.''

Stephen Houser