hide random home screenshot http://citbb.unige.it/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)


[Here there's an image] IBF & CITBB WWW

IBF - Institute of Biophysics

CITBB - Center Interdipartimental on Biophysical-chemical and Biomedical Technologies

University of Genoa, Italy

For more informations select:

Links to info services of interest for scientist.

Databases of interest for R&D in Europe

Access to libraries catalogs all over the world, special on-line services, electronic journal & refference books.

Docs mainly on how to use the network and on infosystems software. Frequently Asked Question (FAQs) with the answer, on all topics covered by the Usenet News.

If one know the kind of services that he's looking for, ihere are the links to Archie,Ftp,News,WAIS,WWW,Hytelnet, Electronic Phone Books (specially the X.500 Directory).

One can also browse the Yanoff's List of Special Internet Connections (more than 55 pages!!!) on more disparate services. Or the Computer Mediated Communications Info Project

Click here to start wandering in World Wide Web, a CERN-originated project on distribuite hypermedial information.

Select the list of Internet Newsgroup to read and post the news.

Testing stuff This is a sample menu entry for the GN server. It contains only one item -- a link to the experimental directory.