(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
- The most comprehensive group of shops, stores,
and catalog companies (with some surprises mixed in!). Five uniquely different malls, that offer a wide variety of products. Please browse them all. Watch as each of them add new stores and catalog companies.
- The easiest means of ordering your favorite merchandise: our CMI Frequent Buyers Club.
Sign up and you will automatically be enrolled in our club, and earn points to get great gifts!
- BOOKMARK THIS PAGE..... and refer to it often for special weekend shopping days,individual store and item sales, and other fun events.
- We will be under construction for the next few months, adding exciting new shops every day.
Please browse and shop as our malls, stores, and catalogs develop.
Orders can be placed through any store...
Please write down the item #, description and price, and place it on the order form.
In a few weeks, just selecting and clicking on the item will bring your selections onto the order form automatically!
- If you need personal assistance call us at 1-800-CYB-MALL (1-800-292-6255), Monday thru Friday, 8am to 5pm Mountain Standard Time. Or e-mail us at