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Penn State Aikido Club.

Penn State Aikido Club

(Aikido Kokikai-Ryu Penn State)

Aikido is a non-agressive martial art developed by Morehei Usheiba (picture shown) during the 1920's in Japan. It is an 'internal' art in which one learns to use mind/body coordination to redirect and neutralize an attack. The philosophy of Aikido is one of peacefulness and cooperation. Aikido has been referred to as 'the art of non-fighting' and 'the thinking persons martial art.'

The Penn State Aikido Club is an affiliate dojo of the Aikido Kokikai Federation. We meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening from 6:30 -- 8:30 in the Intramural Building wrestling room. Dues are $25 per semester. New members are always welcome!

For more information regarding Aikido and the Penn State Aikido Club please call Gerry Santoro at 863-7896 (work) or 237-4241 (home), or send electronic mail to gms@psuvm.psu.edu.

There are many fine martial arts groups in State College. Aikido is not for everybody, but it may be just right for you. Please feel free to stop by one of our classes to watch or participate.

"The journey of 10,000 miles begins with the first step." (Lao Tzu)

Other Sources of Martial Arts Info:

Please note that some of these links may be redundant. They are provided for the convenience of net users.

Penn State Aikido Club Gopher Server is the gopher server for Aikido Kokikai Penn State. It contains information about the club as well as other information regarding Aikido information servers on the Internet.

WWW Aikido FAQ and other resources can be found here.

Aikido at Penn is the server for the Aikido Club at the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, PA.

Miscellaneous martial arts resources can be found here.

Howard A. Landman's Aikido Index contains articles about Aikido and pointers to other Aikido resources on the net.

Lund Aikido Club.

The Aikido FTP archives are here.

Aikijutsu and Aikido genealogy.

The Rec.Martial-Arts FAQ depository.

Traditional Karate Information.

Martial-Arts Links.

Internet Martial Arts Resource List.

I wish you luck in your Martial Arts studies.

gerry santoro