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The Jazz Photography Of Ray Avery

Welcome to Jazz on the Web. A short introduction, Jazz: The 1950s - Records & Photography, provides some historical anchors to the jazz scene of the mid 1950s, and traces the growing popularity of jazz through magazine articles from this period.

A brief biography, About Ray Avery, provides some background information on Ray's career. A separate catalogue of publications and exhibitions lists Ray's photography credits. Our initial presentation of photographs by Ray Avery focuses on his early work from the 1950s.

The exhibition is grouped into four major areas: The Lighthouse All Stars - Hermosa Beach & Laguna Beach; Nightclubs, Festivals & Concerts; Recording Sessions - Los Angeles; and Stars of Jazz - TV Series.

We have assembled a collection of books and CDs that complement this period and feature releases of music recorded at the time and place that many of the photographs were taken. Please take the time to visit this special exhibition store.

The KLON Jazz West Coast Festival was held from October 27-30, 1994, and was the experience of a lifetime for many of us. For more information on West Coast Jazz (in its historical and present-day varieties), try Lee Cohen's Jazz-Net West. Enjoy the exhibition. Comments and suggestions are welcome, and should be directed to:

James A. Harrod
Director, UCI Bookstore

Photographs Copyright 1990 by Ray Avery Photo. In keeping with the spirit of the Internet and WWW, these images are provided as an educational resource for personal non-commercial use.
Hypertext implementation: J.K. Cohen <jkcohen@uci.edu>

Exhibition Organization

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