hide random home screenshot http://biomed.nus.sg/Cancer/welcome.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

CancerNet (Last updated April 5, 1994)


CancerNet Web info server

CancerNet Web is a quick and easy way to obtain cancer information from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of USA. CancerNet Web lets you browse through information statements from the NCI's Physician Data Query (PDQ) system, as well as read fact sheets on various cancer topics from the NCI's Office of Cancer Communications. This hypertext browser system is an implementation of World Wide Web, the global distributed hypertext system initially developed at CERN, Switzerland.

The CancerNet Contents changes at the beginning of each month as new statements and other information are included. If you have any problems or questions about the content of CancerNet, send a message to cheryl@icicb.nci.nih.gov on the Internet. If you have any problems with CancerNet Web, please send a message to bchtantw@leonis.nus.sg.

CancerNet Web Contents List

CancerNet Gopher at NUS (alternative way of getting at CancerNet information)

NYSERNET Breast Cancer Information

OncoLink - The University of Pennsylvania Multimedia Oncology Resource