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University of Arizona College of Agriculture
College of Agriculuture

Welcome to AgInfo, the World Wide Web site for the University of Arizona's College of Agriculture. AgInfo provides general information about the College, as well as access to online Internet resources.

Your feedback is appreciated and may be submitted at any time by selecting the Feedback button at the bottom of most pages.

+ Teaching, Research, and Extension Units and Activities
Information from College academic departments and extension including degree program information, faculty research interests, and related information.
+ Administrative Units, College Policies and Plans
Information from non-academic units plus policies and plans for the College.
+ Program Highlights and Special Activities
Online projects developed by College faculty, staff, and students. Includes the Phylogenetic Tree of Life, Santa Rita Experimental Range Demo Project, and others. Also links to possible grant funding sources.
+ College Focal Areas
External Internet resources categorized into the College's six areas of concentration from our Strategic Plan: Environment and Natural Resources; Family, Youth, and Community; Human Nutrition, Food Safety, and Health; Marketing, Trade, and Economics; Animal Systems; Plant Systems; plus additional resources.
+ Faculty, Staff, and Student Personal Pages
Personal pages and online CVs from our faculty, staff, and students.
+ User Support
Help and other documentation on common applications. Includes information on how to use the Xerox Color Printer, webserver usage statistics, and access to the Ag Server anonymous FTP site.

Maintained by: Roger Post -- rpost@ag.arizona.edu
Last update: 27 March 1995

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