OpenGL from Portable Graphics, Inc.

3D Graphics Development and Porting Tools

Portable Graphics, a wholly owned subsidiary of Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation, provides GL-based development and porting solutions for a variety of workstation platforms. Products for Windows NT and Windows are planned for early 1995.


Portable Graphics currently supplies OpenGL for Sun SPARCstation workstations. OpenGL for HP is in development for release in early 1995. OpenGL for Sun is an interoperable, conformance-compliant implementation of OpenGL that is optimized for the SPARC/Solaris environment. It supports the speed and graphics capabilities of all SMCC and third-party graphics accelerators through XGL. OpenGL can coexist with a PHIGS, PEX, or NPGL (IRIS GL 4.0-compatible) applications on the same device. Portable Graphics supplies the GLU library, and widget sets for both Motif and OPEN LOOK.

OpenGL requires Solaris 2.4, XGL 3.x, a color monitor, and any current or future graphics accelerator supported by XGL. These include the GX, GXplus, TurboGXplus, GS, SX and ZX.

Developers who wish to develop OpenGL and Open Inventor applications for HP workstations can get started now using NPGL and IRIS Inventor. Theses applications can then be converted to OpenGL and Open Inventor when Portable Graphics releases these products for HP in early 1995.

Portable Graphics offers custom OpenGL ports for PC and workstation graphics accelerator manufacturers, and consulting services to hardware manufacturers and software developers.

Open Inventor - 3D Developer's Toolkit:

Portable Graphics also licenses Open Inventor from Silicon Graphics. Open Inventor is currently available on the IBM RISC System/6000, and will soon be released for Sun SPARCstation systems. Portable Graphics will also provide Open Inventor for HP Series 700 workstations, Evans & Sutherland Freedom Series accelerators for HP, IBM and Sun workstations, and Windows NT/Windows. Portable Graphics offers IRIS Inventor for HP and Sun workstations.

EDISON - Extensions to Open Inventor:

Portable Graphics is currently developing extensions to Open Inventor. The product, which is called EDISON, will provide the framework to seamlessly link other software modules to Open Inventor. The first extension released under EDISON will be the SHAPES Geometric Modeling System from XOX Corporation (Minneapolis, MN). By combining SHAPES and Open Inventor via EDISON, developers will obtain a powerful geometric computing system based on mathematical standards that also features an easy-to-use, interactive user interface and graphics rendering capabilities. The EDISON extensions to Open Inventor will be available in early 1995 for Silicon Graphics workstations, followed by support for Sun, IBM, and HP workstations, and Windows NT/Windows.

For more information about OpenGL, Open Inventor, EDISON extensions to Open Inventor, IRIS Inventor, or NPGL, contact: