Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to...
- Describe the basic concepts and functionality of SGI networks
- Integrate their workstation node onto an existing network
- Troubleshoot installation and configuration problems
- Secure their system within a network
- Tune basic network performance
- Configure electronic mail
- Provide remote disk access through NFS
- Centralize maintenance of key configuration files through NIS
This course is intended for...
- Experienced system administrators or
- Non-UNIX network administrators who are familiar with IRIX system administration, and data-communications/networking concepts
And have attended...
Note: It is recommended that the student have experience with shell
programming and other tools.
Note: The student is over-qualified if he/she has managed
company-wide networks including UNIX workstations.
Course Details
Duration: 4.5 days
Format: Instructor-Led (Lecture/Lab)
Platforms Covered: Silicon Graphics 4D Series
Tuition :
Contact the Silicon Graphics Sales Office nearest you.